TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La saguf è una società specifica che s’impegna per la promozione della ricerca dell’ambiente e della sostenibilità in Svizzera. Si occupa della ricerca interdisciplinare orientata alla pratica e alle soluzioni.di più

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Gruppi di lavoro

The content work takes place in the various saguf working groups.

They are and were formed to sensitize science and the public for environmental and development problems and to encourage their willingness to deal with ways of more sustainable action in economy and society. The saguf working groups work on projects, organise conferences, workshops and symposia and publish articles on important topics.

The working groups address problems that have too little weight in Swiss environmental research or are not adequately researched. saguf promotes awareness of such problems through factual analyses and aims to include them in the research agendas of the environmental sciences. The saguf pays special attention to inter- and transdisciplinarity in research on landscape and natural resources. This includes evaluation and design issues that follow the model of sustainable development. One focus of saguf and its working groups lies in their role as mediators between the natural sciences and the social sciences and humanities as well as between research and practice.

Are you interested in working in one of the saguf working groups? Then please contact the responsible person directly.